Most people love massage because it feels good. Science is also in agreement with the benefits of massage.
Massage releases natural chemicals in our brain that increase our feel good mood.
Why is feeling good or happiness so important? Recall a time, when you woke up and everything just flowed easy for you that day. It was like an effortless day of ease and grace. You felt balanced, you had fun and your day was fulfilling. When we take the time to get in alignment with our body, mind and spirit our outside experiences reflect that inner peace.
When we feel good and feel in balance, we tend to be better parents, better friends, more productive and more harmonious. Some people argue they do not have the time for themselves. Their life is too busy. We understand that. As Americans we tend to be over worked and under appreciated. It is an epidemic.
I heard a wonderful analogy, that changed my life. There is a tree cutter, who spends all day cutting trees. It is a hard, long day for this tree cutter. Someone suggested to her, before she starts to cut the trees for the day, she take the time to sharpen her blade. When her blade is sharp the work is much faster and easier. She kept arguing for her limitations and stated, " I have NO Time to sharpen the blade, I have to get to work!"
From an outside perspective, we see how much more time and ease she would experience if she would take the time to sharpen her blade.
When we take the time to get into alignment, our life is more enjoyable and we experience more satisfaction.