When you are in the massage room, and lay on the massage table, your muscles will start to release even before the massage begins. The body remembers massage. The mind adjusts and starts to let go faster. You discover you go into a deeper state of relaxation with regular massages.
If you receive massage monthly, you body will come to expect that massage in 30 days. Not only does the psychical body expect the massage, but also the emotional body. We have discovered, if we miss our massage routine, we feel symptoms of irritability and moodiness
Massage routine balances the body, mind and spirit. The more you make your emotional and physical body a priority, the more balanced, healthy and stable you feel. The body begins to expect this type of care.
Our advice is be consistent with your body. Consistently keep your massage routine. Like any health care routine, as you become consistent in your regimen, then taking it up another level is easier. We live in a culture that likes instant results. Give yourself time to develop good health care practices. When you develop the habit of taking time out once a month for your massage, then the idea of managing time twice a month is more doable. Or if you budget a massage once a month, in time it will feel more realistic to add a little more money to your massage budget. Being consistent and taking it one step at a time is important.
Our bodies are remarkable, they help us manage and enjoy our human experience on this planet. When we take the time to treat our emotional and physical bodies with care and priority, we are rewarded by receiving feelings of balance, health and happiness.
Balancing Touch Massage in Savage, MN offers automatic discounted prices for our customers wanting to get into a regular massage routine. Simple return within 30 days of your last appointment and get the our best prices! We want everyone to be able to receive the benefits of massage on a consistent basis!
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